Thai Weddings: A Colourful Carnival of Love, Tradition, and Cash

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Hey there, let me tell you about Thai weddings. They’re like a colorful carnival of tradition and culture, full of vibrant ceremonies and rituals.

First up, we have the pre-wedding ceremony called “Khun Manee,” where the groom’s family presents gifts to the bride’s family and begs for their daughter’s hand in marriage. It’s like a polite version of begging, you know, like “pretty please with a cherry on top?”

But wait, there’s more! The groom’s family also has to cough up some cash or property as “sinsod” for the privilege of marrying the bride. It’s like buying a really expensive ticket to a theme park, except the park is marriage, and the ride never ends.

When the big day arrives, the couple dresses up in traditional Thai wedding attire and heads to a decorated hall or temple. Monks bless the couple, rings are exchanged, and vows are made. They even pour holy water over the couple’s hands – it’s like a holy car wash, but for your hands.

After the ceremony, it’s time for the reception, which is basically a food and dance party. The guests celebrate the newlyweds and shower them with love and well-wishes. It’s like a mini music festival, except the main act is the happy couple.

Throughout the day, there are also other fun traditions like the “Khan Maak Procession,” where the groom’s family parades around with gifts for the bride’s family, and the “Rod Nam Sang,” where water is poured over the couple’s hands for good luck. It’s like a series of mini-games, and the prize is a happily-ever-after ending.

So, there you have it – a Thai wedding is like a joyful carnival of love, tradition, and cultural rituals. It’s like a Disney movie, but with less singing animals and more happy tears.

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